5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Offshore QA Software Testing | DeviQA
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5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Offshore QA Software Testing

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Offshore QA Software Testing


Robust software testing is king. It’s akin to fortifying the foundation of a towering skyscraper. Just as a flaw in the foundation can jeopardize the entire structure, inadequacies in software testing can lead to catastrophic consequences.

You may be surprised, but a prime example of meticulous testing is the almost seamless release of Windows 10. Microsoft, a tech giant renowned for its operating systems, leveraged the prowess of offshore software testing services to ensure a flawless user experience. The meticulous testing of functionalities, compatibility, and security, conducted by a proficient offshore team, contributed to the seamless adoption of Windows 10 across a vast user base.

Conversely, the annals of software development history unveil instances where insufficient testing proved calamitous. The launch of the healthcare.gov website in the United States serves as a cautionary tale. In this case, inadequate testing, both in terms of scale and scope, led to catastrophic issues, impeding the functionality of the site and tarnishing its reputation.

But this case also had a positive impact on the industry since 48% of federal IT projects were restructured because of cost overages or changes in project goals.

Well, with offshore QA testing, these flaws could have never seen the world. Beyond being a cost-effective strategy, offshore testing services offer a pantheon of advantages that elevate the software development process. From tapping into a global pool of skilled professionals to ensuring around-the-clock testing cycles, offshore QA testing emerges as a strategic choice with far-reaching benefits. And below are 5 reasons to give it a go.

Reason 1: Ensuring Bug-free Software Delivery with Offshore Software QA

It may sound nuts but recall Minotaur Labyrinth. Ensuring bug-free software delivery is akin to navigating such a labyrinth. One misstep, one undetected bug, can let off a real monster (especially if it comes to medical software, for example). In more down-to-earth terms, bugs spoil the entire user experience, leading to dissatisfaction and potential reputational damage. This is where the strategic utilization of offshore QA testing emerges as a beacon of assurance.


Practical Examples

Any information is always more comprehensive when provided with examples. So let’s cut it to the case — below are potential real-world scenarios where bug-free software delivery is uttermost.

Financial applications: In the financial sector, where accuracy and security are of utmost importance, even a minor bug can have dire consequences. For instance, an error in a banking system could lead to incorrect transactions, unauthorized access to customer accounts, or even financial losses for the institution.

Medical devices: In the healthcare industry, where software controls critical medical devices, bugs can have life-threatening implications. For example, a bug in a pacemaker could disrupt its operation, potentially endangering the patient's life.

Autonomous vehicles: As self-driving cars become a reality, ensuring bug-free software is crucial for preventing accidents and safeguarding human lives. A software bug could cause a vehicle to malfunction, leading to collisions or other hazardous situations.

Tips for Bug-free Software Delivery

Adopt a comprehensive testing approach: Implement a rigorous testing strategy that encompasses unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing.

Leverage automation tools: Automate repetitive testing tasks to free up testers for more complex and exploratory testing.

Utilize offshore software QA services: Partner with experienced offshore QA providers to access a global pool of skilled testers and specialized testing expertise.

Reason 2: Optimizing Time Management

Time is ripe to understand that time is an invaluable currency. Delays in the testing phase can cascade into prolonged time-to-market, potentially imperiling the competitive edge of a product. Herein lies the significance of optimizing time management through the strategic adoption of offshore QA testing.

Imagine a pic where a software update is critical to address emerging security threats. The urgency demands a swift yet thorough testing process to identify and rectify vulnerabilities promptly. Offshore QA facilities, with their ability to operate seamlessly across different time zones, facilitate a continuous testing cycle. This ensures that development progresses around the clock, expediting the time-to-market without compromising on the quality of the testing process.

Practical Examples

When anything is done behindhand, it’s not okay. And when you’re waiting for release for donkey’s years, it is not okay as well. That’s why we want to make a point — time management is crucial, especially for start-ups that are trying to enter a new market.

Rapid prototyping: When creating prototypes or releasing early versions of software, companies need to balance speed with quality. Offshore QA teams can work around the clock, providing continuous testing support and feedback, enabling faster iteration cycles.

Agile development methodologies: Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, emphasize rapid delivery and continuous improvement. Offshore testers with appropriate experience can seamlessly integrate into agile workflows, providing real-time testing feedback and ensuring that new features meet quality standards without disrupting the development process.

Global product launches: When releasing software products simultaneously in multiple regions, companies need to ensure that the software is localized and tested for compatibility across different platforms and devices. Offshore QAs with a global presence can handle testing across different time zones and languages, streamlining the launch process and ensuring on-time delivery in all markets.

Tips for Time Management Optimization

Define goals: Establish clear testing objectives and prioritize testing efforts based on the criticality of features and the potential impact of bugs.

Set up communication: Establish clear communication channels and collaboration protocols between onshore and offshore teams to ensure timely feedback and efficient issue resolution. Slack, Signal, in-build messengers, or a custom one — you can choose to your liking.

Utilize cloud-based testing platforms: Leverage cloud-based testing platforms to access a wide range of testing tools, environments, and resources, enabling faster test execution and scalability.

Reason 3: Achieving Cost Efficiency

Achieving cost efficiency stands as a paramount goal. Anytime, anywhere. Just because despite all that “altruistic philosophy”, any business must deliver profit. Here, the strategic incorporation of offshore software testing services emerges as a transformative force, bringing a harmonious balance between financial prudence and quality assurance.

Statistics corroborate the fiscal advantages of adopting offshore QA expertise. Companies that embraced offshore testing witnessed a substantial reduction in overall project costs, attributed to streamlined processes and a judicious allocation of resources.

And many firms have allocated a lot to quality assurance. According to Statista, it’s about a quarter of the average budget.


This tangible evidence underscores the compelling case for leveraging offshore expertise to achieve cost efficiency in software testing.

Practical Examples

You know, all that stuff like “You must make more money and not put aside or save more”. Bull… Cough-cough, excuse us. You got it, right? The truth is any business must both save money by optimizing the costs and win more clients to increase profit. Let’s run through some examples for businesses of different sizes.

Startups: Startups often operate with limited budgets and need to find innovative ways to reduce costs. Offshore software QA can provide startups with access to high-quality testing at a fraction of the cost of onshore testing.

Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs): SMBs may not have the resources to maintain a dedicated in-house QA team. Offshore QAs can provide SMBs with access to a global pool of skilled testers without the overhead costs of hiring and training an in-house team.

Enterprise-level organizations: Even large enterprises can benefit from the cost savings associated with a dedicated QA team. Outsourcing testing can help enterprises free up internal resources for more strategic initiatives.

Tips for Cost Efficiency Optimization

Evaluate the true cost of onshore testing: Consider all the direct and indirect costs of onshore testing, including obvious – salaries, benefits, training – and non-obvious, like infrastructure, cost of the mistake, taxes, etc.

Compare offshore testing providers: Carefully evaluate the offerings and pricing of different offshore QA providers to find the best fit for your budget and requirements. It’d be great to evaluate also economy of the country you are offshoring to.

Utilize a phased approach: Consider outsourcing specific testing phases, such as performance testing or security testing, to optimize costs and gain experience with offshore QA expertise before committing to a full-scale outsourcing engagement.

Reason 4: Gaining a Fresh Perspective

The ability to gain a fresh perspective is akin to unlocking new dimensions of innovation and efficiency. Here, the incorporation of offshore QA expertise introduces a novel lens through which challenges can be reframed and solutions can flourish.


Consider the scenario of testing a user interface for a mobile application. A team accustomed to specific design paradigms may inadvertently overlook potential usability issues. Introducing fresh perspectives from an offshore team with diverse cultural and professional backgrounds enriches the testing process. They bring a unique outlook, identifying nuances that may escape a team entrenched in familiar methodologies.

Practical Examples

When you lose helicopter view or just vision from another point, your business doesn’t have enough air to inhale. Want to grow and allow your business to breathe? Consider the following scenarios, then.

Testing for global markets: When testing software for release in multiple regions, an offshore QA team with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds can provide valuable insights into local usability issues and ensure that the software is adapted to different user preferences.

Adopting new technologies: When incorporating new technologies into software development, a provider of offshore software testing services with expertise in emerging technologies can deliver specialized testing expertise, helping to ensure that the software is compatible, secure, and performs as expected.

Breaking out of testing silos: Offshore QA can help break down the silos between different testing teams, helping to enable collaboration and knowledge sharing, leading to more complete and efficient testing.

Tips for Gaining a Fresh Perspective

Seek diverse perspectives: Look for offshore QA providers with a diverse pool of testers, including individuals from different countries, backgrounds, and experience levels. And tip-in-the-tip — avoid yes-sayers. Maybe, you’ll feel joy with such providers, but in the long run, it may cause additional problems as yes-like experts often have no appropriate expertise.

Encourage collaboration: Foster open communication and collaboration between onshore and offshore teams to exchange ideas and share knowledge.

Embrace continuous learning: Encourage both onshore and offshore teams to participate in continuous learning and training to stay up-to-date with the latest testing methodologies and tools.

Reason 5: Elevating Team Productivity

We can’t help but admit productivity is key. Here, the strategic integration of offshore QA software testing emerges as a potent catalyst, propelling teams toward heightened efficiency and collaborative synergy.

Statistics to prove

Don’t want to turn this article into the talk shop, so here is some concrete evidence supporting the impact of offshore QA on team productivity. The bundle of tips by TechRepublic reveals that teams leveraging offshore testing resources experienced a significant uptick in productivity, attributed to streamlined processes, expanded testing capacities, and the ability to focus on core development tasks.

Moreover, according to a report by the Aberdeen Group, companies that outsource software testing experience a 30% increase in overall software development productivity. Additionally, a study by McKinsey & Company found that offshore testing can lead to a 20% reduction in software development cycle time.


Tips for Productivity Optimization

Establish clear testing goals and objectives: If you don’t know where want to get, you will get nowhere. So define clear testing objectives and prioritize testing efforts based on the criticality of features and the potential impact of bugs.

Implement standardized testing processes: Implement standardized testing processes to ensure consistency and efficiency across different testing teams. Yep, skilled tech writer and methodologist will pay off.

Utilize automation tools: Leverage automation tools to automate repetitive testing tasks, freeing up testers to focus on more complex and exploratory testing.

To Sum It Up

Choosing offshore QA software testing services unfolds as a strategic imperative for businesses seeking to elevate their testing processes. From ensuring bug-free software delivery to achieving cost efficiency, gaining a fresh perspective, and elevating team productivity, the benefits are multifaceted.

In embracing offshore QA, businesses tap into a global pool of talent, leveraging diverse expertise and cultural insights. The financial advantages of cost efficiency are augmented by the fresh perspectives that offshore teams bring to the testing landscape. The synergistic blend of productivity elevation completes the narrative, positioning offshore QA as a linchpin for achieving excellence in software testing.

Consider offshore options for your software testing needs and unlock a world of possibilities in the pursuit of software quality and innovation.
