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Are you considering to outsource testing in Ukraine or India?

Chief Executive Officer
During the early years of 1900 century, quality assurance testing of any program, software or application has never got such priority as it is getting these days. There had always been a perception that a programmer/developer who can well comprehend the customer's exact needs well can likewise design the correct application in a similar manner. However, with the passage of time, we have seen evolution in this perception as well. For instance, malfunctioning of huge machines and equipment on account of fault in programming brought up a considerable concern with respect to the overall responsibility of the developer. To overcome this problem, product quality confirmation/control were introduced and is currently greatly valued and appreciated all around the globe.
Now a day, every business entity or company ensure that the mobile/web application they introduce to the mass market is according to the requirements proposed by the customer and bug free. However, it would be unrealistic to consider a product "100% bug free" yet you can state that each analyzer/QA expert ensures that the product that he/she has evaluated does not contain any bugs that may crash the product in future. Now the question arises, whether the quality assurance testing should be done inhouse or should be outsourced? If it is to be outsourced what is the best offshore destinations. Normally, for outsourcing quality assurance services, two countries come into mind; India and Ukraine. Each country has its own specific features. Below are some of the positive points of both the countries:
India has been in the outsourcing game for a long time. They are the original big outsourcing destination of the world. It all started years and years ago mostly with call centers but now they are doing tons of software development and quality assurance testing. India is a much-maligned destination. All the train wreck jokes about the offshore disasters are usually directed towards India. Some of that deserves not all of it is. Here are some of the features of outsourcing quality assurance testing services to India: India has pretty good prices. It has fluctuated over the years. Sometimes the prices go up and sometimes these go down, but one thing is for sure that there is a lot of human resource available in India including IT graduates coming out of really good schools all the time. So, there is a massive supply and it is more than enough to meet the massive demand of outsourcing clients. That keeps prices down which is one of the great things about India.
Ukraine's been on the news a lot lately and a lot of people are asking the question whether it safe to outsource your quality assurance function to Ukraine? So, here are some general facts about the Ukraine and how it is before the political unrest started to happen.