DeviQA is among the best Software Testing and QA Companies according to SoftwareTestingNews! | DeviQA
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DeviQA is among the best Software Testing and QA Companies according to SoftwareTestingNews!

DeviQA is among the best Software Testing and QA Companies according to SoftwareTestingNews!


In 2021, SoftwareTestingNews published a list of the leading providers of software testing and quality assurance services. According to the SoftwareTestingNews survey results, 12 best agencies, including DeviQA, have been picked up.

There are many software testing agencies on the market today, and each of them positions itself as the best in the software testing industry. In order to help customers choose a really trustworthy company, the SoftwareTestingNews web portal team compiled the ratings of leading software testing & QA companies.

This rating is based on a methodology that analyzes case studies, work experience, and proficiency. SoftwareTestingNews methodology makes it even easier for business owners and entrepreneurs to find a proven software testing company because the list includes only experienced companies with a multitude of successfully completed projects.

DeviQA is a leading software testing company

We hope that the fresh SoftwareTestingNews rating of leading Software Testing & QA companies will help you make the right choice!


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