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The benefits of managed testing & managed quality assurance services

The benefits of managed testing & managed quality assurance services


Probably, you haven't heard about the "Therac-25" medical accelerator, a radiation therapy machine created by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) in 1982. Proclaimed as a cutting-edge solution for cancer treatment, the Therac-25 was hailed as a beacon of innovation in the medical field.

However, there is a thing. Namely, a series of devastating accidents soon revealed a fatal flaw in the machine's design - a software bug that resulted in patients receiving massive overdoses of radiation during treatment. Tragically, these overdoses led to severe injuries and, in some cases, even death.

We can't help but admit - it's a reminder of the catastrophic consequences that can arise from a lack of managed testing and quality assurance in software development.

There couldn't be double talk: International Data Corporation's (IDC) study revealed that poor-quality software will cost businesses USD 2.08 trillion in 2020. Hyper-competitive landscape, where user expectations are king, dictates the indeed of flawless software.

In the wake of the Therac-25 incidents, the tech industry has made significant strides in prioritizing quality assurance and leveraging managed test services to prevent similar tragedies from occurring. The Therac-25 debacle has taught us to consider software testing as a vital move.

What does managed testing include?

Let's say your software development process is a well-tuned Swiss watch. Managed testing services are the expert watchmakers, meticulously inspecting each gear, spring, and lever to ensure flawless performance. Wonder about their toolkit? Let's uncover it.

Tailored test strategies

We are not big fans of one-size-fits-all solutions. So do other real professionals providing managed QA services. Such providers build customizable test strategies aligned with your specific software, industry, and business objectives. Whether you're launching a fintech app or building a healthcare platform, they tailor their approach to uncover potential pitfalls unique to your domain. For example, this may include compliance testing according to the healthcare industry standards.

Various testing techniques

For the best reliability, the testing arsenal should extend far beyond the basic functional one. For this reason, a well-skilled test team leverages the following methodologies (at least):

Performance testing: Identifying and mitigating bottlenecks that lead to user churn. Performance testing helps you avoid app crushes under user overflow.

Security testing: Employing penetration testing and vulnerability assessments to simulate real-world cyberattacks and fortify your software's defenses. Recall Target, whose 2013 data breach exposed over 40M of customer records – a remarkable reminder of the importance of robust security testing.

Compatibility testing: Ensuring seamless functionality across different devices, browsers, and operating systems, crucial in today's fragmented technological landscape.

Expert-driven automation

Manual testing can be tedious and error-prone. And it actually is. Managed testing services leverage intelligent automation tools to streamline processes. This frees up human testers for more strategic tasks. This reduces testing time and costs and enhances accuracy and coverage at the same time.

Life-long improvement

Real pros' commitment doesn't end with initial testing. They employ data-driven insights and continuous monitoring to proactively identify and address potential issues, preventing regressions and ensuring long-term software quality.

In-depth expertise

Beyond technical prowess, managed testing providers often harbor teams specializing in specific industries. Imagine the value of healthcare IT experts testing your medical app or fintech veterans scrutinizing your banking platform - an invaluable asset for uncovering domain-specific risks and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Responsibilities in managed testing services

Every business owner wants to achieve the desired outcome, whether it is a smooth app running or an unforgettable user experience. For this reason, it's crucial to delineate clear roles and responsibilities between service providers and customers. Below, we outline the distinct obligations of both parties in the context of managed testing.

Service providers responsibilitiesCustomers responsibilities
Come up with thorough testing strategies and execute themClearly define project requirements and acceptance criteria
Form a skilled testing team and provide them with resourcesCollaborate with providers to establish testing priorities
Conduct thorough testing across various dimensionsAllocate necessary resources and support for testing activities
Implement automated testing tools and frameworksActively participate in test planning and execution processes
Monitor and analyze testing metrics and performanceProvide timely feedback on test results and issues
Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulationsValidate and sign off on test deliverables
Offer insights and recommendations for process improvementInvest in training and upskilling staff on testing methodologies

Benefits of managed testing services

With testing managed services, you get a pack of advantages for your company, no matter in which niche you operate. Let's delve into each of these benefits in detail.

#1 Unleashing scalable expertise

The main benefit is that you have a team of seasoned testing professionals at your beck and call, ready to adapt to your needs. Even if they are evolving frequently. Simply put, such services offer dedicated resources that scale seamlessly, expanding or contracting based on your project demands. This way, you save time and money from recruiting, training, and managing in-house testing teams, so that you can focus on core development activities.

#2 Tailored testing solutions

There are situations when cookie-cutter solutions are really helpful. But when it comes to testing plans, don't count on them. Managed testing providers take the time to understand your unique software, industry, and business goals. Tailored decisions and moves are key. Providers craft customized testing solutions that address your specific needs and potential risks and, this way, ensure comprehensive quality assurance without unnecessary bloat.

#3 Cost-effectiveness & seamless integration

Want a seamless and cost-effective approach to quality assurance? Managed QA team eliminates the upfront costs of hiring and training in-house testers, and their flexible engagement models allow you to pay only for the services you need. Worthy optimizing of your budget, innit? Additionally, their integration with your development workflow is smooth and efficient – minimization of disruption and maximization of productivity.

#4 Business acumen & regulatory savvy

Technical expertise is king, but comprehension of your niche challenges is queen. Testing pros possess a deep understanding of your business domain and relevant regulations. This invaluable combination ensures your software not only functions flawlessly but also adheres to industry-specific compliance requirements – the perfect way to mitigate legal and reputational risks.

#5 Innovation & accelerated delivery

Testing cycles should be short but robust. With managed QA services, you get cutting-edge automation tools and methodologies to streamline the process and significantly reduce testing time. This way, you deliver your software much faster, which allows you to get your product to market faster and capitalize on fleeting opportunities.

#6 Fortifying your digital fortress

Many sources state that 2023 suffered from cyberattacks more than any other year before. This makes robust security vital. Managed testing providers employ a multi-layered approach that includes penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and security audits. This proactive strategy helps you identify and mitigate security threats and vulnerabilities before they can exploit your software.

Remember the infamous Equifax data breach of 2017? A simple software vulnerability exposed the sensitive information of about 147M of Americans. If Equifax had implemented robust security testing, this catastrophic event could have been prevented.

#7 Unbiased validation

Internal testing can sometimes be susceptible to biases or blind spots. Managed testing, on the contrary, provides a fresh set of eyes to scrutinize your software and uncover potential issues you might have missed. This unbiased validation ensures a more comprehensive quality assessment and, ultimately, a higher-quality product.

To sum it up

As you have understood from the Equifax case, robust testing and quality assurance processes cannot be overstated. Managed testing services are a strategic ally for businesses seeking to navigate the complexities of software development while ensuring superior product quality and customer satisfaction.

Since software quality is not only about security but also about convenience and flawlessness in use. Through dedicated resources, customized solutions, and seamless collaboration, these services streamline testing processes, driving efficiency and innovation.

To back up these statements, take a look at the transformative impact of managed QA services: according to Accenture's report, companies that implement managed testing solutions achieve a significant reduction in testing cycle times and almost a half increase in test coverage. Nothing groundbreaking – such an approach leads to a substantial improvement in overall product quality.
